Recycled Jars Program
From the beginning, 704 has strived to repurpose candle-safe glass jars. These include jars that once housed salsa, jam, pasta sauce, or other candles. Due to supply demands, we have had to implement the use of new glass jars for some of our candle lines. We highly encourage you to recycle, repurpose, or regift those back to 704.
We welcome and encourage you to recycle jars that you have with us, but ask that you remove any wax or labels so that we can easily refill them.
Any 704 jars can be recycled with us for $5 off of your next purchase of $20 or more.
Please fill out the inquiry form below to inquire on how we can receive your recycled jars- local Austin pickup or shipped back via 704 packaging from your order. A code will be provided for $5 off your next purchase!